This is an image of the SVP Sponsored Sleep logo

The SVP Sponsored Sleep

Showing solidarity with those experiencing homelessness.


The SVP would like to engage with our children and young people to raise awareness of the issues surrounding homelessness in England and Wales. For all those who lack a secure place to call home, who may be sleeping rough, fleeing from danger, stuck in hostels, bed and breakfasts, or sofa surfing, we want the SVP Sponsored Sleep to demonstrate our solidarity with them. This experience will not only give our young people a better understanding of what thousands experience every day, it will also give them the opportunity to turn their concern into action by raising vital funds which enables the SVP to continue to support the most vulnerable and socially excluded in our communities. The SVP Sponsored Sleep can be scaled up or down so that everyone has the chance to safely take part and make a real difference to someone in need. Below are resources to help you have the most successful event.

Leader's guide

Everything you need to plan and carry out your SVP Sponsored Sleep event.

Short session ideas & activities for your SVP Summer Sleep event

The following resources can be used as stand-alone activities or combined, depending on your event. They provide an opportunity to raise awareness of homelessness and explore the support offered by the SVP to those most in need.

Welcome Video

Discussion Starters

Candle of Hope

What makes a house a home?

Design a Vinnie Pack: Leader's guide

Design a Vinnie Pack: Children's booklet

Video on the SVP's work with the homeless



Vinnie Bear

We have kindly been gifted 50 Vinnie Bears to be a part of the first SVP Summer Sleep. If your school/parish group pledges to raise at least £100 in the SVP Sponsored Sleep, we will send Vinnie Bear to you to join in the fun! Vinnie Bear is also part of the following resources, which you can also access via the following links:

Vinnie Bear's SVP Sponsored Sleep: PowerPoint Presentation

Vinnie Bear's SVP Sponsored Sleep: Children's diary worksheet

Vinnie Bear's SVP Sponsored Sleep: Resource guide

Sharing Good News & Fundraising

Here you will find a poster to help you promote the fundraising page for your SVP Sponsored Sleep. Don't forget to share your good news with us too on social media. 


SVP Sponsorship Form


How will it run?

Here you will find some examples of how your event could run.

Whether you are taking on a sleepout, sleepover or sleep without there are ideas of how to integrate and use the resources available.

Example Timetable for Sleepout or Sleepover

Example Timetable for Sleep Without

Practical Help

You will find in this section an example letter for parents and carers to help explain what you are planning to do at your event. There is also an example consent form, which can be edited, according to your location and date of event.

Example Letter

Consent Form

SVP Sponsored Sleep Handout for children taking part