| St Vincent de Paul Society
St Vincent de Paul Society

Using our Catholic voice to tackle poverty

URGENT: Write to your candidates and ask them to tackle poverty

The Church tells us that “…All citizens ought to be aware of their right and duty to promote the common good by casting their votes…”. But in order to arrive at the polling station as well informed as possible, it’s important to know our prospective MP’s views on the things that matter to us.

As Christians, we have a long tradition of being actively involved in the big issues of our time. For this reason, the SVP and CAFOD are inviting parishes to reach out to their local candidates ahead of the next election. We want to strengthen community participation as a local faith group and practice the culture of encounter that Pope Francis talks about.

With over five million Catholics in the UK, the next general election is an opportunity to bring attention to the big issues of our time.

Please email your candidates today

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