This is an image of the 2025 Lent logo

Welcome to the 2025 SVP Lent Campaign: A Time for Hope. During the season of Lent, we are inviting all children and young people to journey deeper in prayer and take action as Pilgrims of Hope. Our pack for Lent includes a Leader's guide, Reconciliation Service for children, the SVP Lent campaign, and Prayer stations for you to use throughout the season. We'd love you to share your campaign stories with us, so don't forget to tag us in your social media posts #DoorsofHope and send any stories for our e-news to [email protected].

Reconciliation Service for children

This resource can be used for when the Sacrament of Reconcilaition is available and for when it is not.

Reconciliation Service PowerPoint Presentation

“My Reconciliation: A Time for Hope” worksheet

“The Parable of the Doors” handout to take home


Call to Action: SVP Lent Campaign- A Time for Hope

The following campaign video contains content around asylum seekers and refugees, so we advise you watch it before showing children as this may be sensitive to children within in your care.

Campaign video (Coming Soon!)

Letter to MP template

This letter can be sent to your local MP from your school/parish, alongside the children's own door hanger message of hope. 

Childen's door hanger template (To go with letter to MP)

Children's door hanger template (Prayer for school/parish display)

Blank door hanger template (To use as you wish)


Prayer Stations

These prayer stations are designed to help create a time of prayer and reflection that is linked to Vincentian spirituality, so that children are encouraged to pray and be inspired to use their God-given talents to serve those in need in their community.

The resources can be used as suggested or adapted to meet the needs/abilities of the children and the space available.

For each prayer station there is an explanation and instructions. These can be put on the floor and spread around the room to give enough space for more than one person to be at the prayer station at a time. Each one should take approx. 5 minutes, but can be adapted according to the time available for the prayer time.

Prayer Stations Leader's guide

Prayer Stations