This is an image of the front cover of the Spiritual Reflection Guide

Mini Vinnies Spiritual Reflection Guide (Year C)

This updated Spiritual Reflection guide (includeing the new translation) is a resource for Vincentian Coordinators to share with students of Mini Vinnies groups or within a Religious Education class, or in your parish setting. Each week of the liturgical year provides notes for leaders and children relating the week’s scripture readings to the Mini Vinnies or Vincentian experience. Each week can be used independently of each other and invites participants to deepen their understanding of the scriptures whilst encouraging practical steps to live out their faith. 

2nd Sunday of Easter

3rd Sunday of Easter

4th Sunday of Easter

5th Sunday of Easter

6th Sunday of Easter

7th Sunday of Easter


Trinity Sunday

Body and Blood of Christ

Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

16th Sunday of Ordinary Time

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Feast of Christ the King