This is an image of the Mini Vinnies commissioning
This is an image of a hop scotch

Commissioning Ceremony Toolkit

Our Commissioning Ceremony Toolkit has everything you need for a great event to introduce your Mini Vinnies to the school or parish. 

New Starter Sessions

These 7 ready-made sessions are a great way to launch the group after they have been commissioned. Each session is designed to build up the children's knowledge of the SVP, what it means to be a Mini Vinnie and our call to turn concern into action. By the last session, they will have a good understanding of the format of meetings and will have the confidence to continue with meetings like these, with the support of their Vincentian Coordinator (adult leading the group).

This is an image of children in a classroom with their hands up.
This is an image of children in a meeting

Activities for meetings

These stand-alone activities are great for your Mini Vinnies' meetings, either in school or in your parish.  

This is an image of a child writing in a notebook

My Mini Vinnies journey- logbook template

A great way for children to remember how they are living out their mission. Why not stick these in an A5 exercise book to have a wonderful record by the end of the academic year?

This is an image of a boy writing on a wall calendar

Mini Vinnies' Kindness Calendar 2025

The Mini Vinnies' Kindness Calendar can be something that your group dip in and out of throughout 2025. It's a great way to live out the mission at home, at school, or in the parish.