Year of Jubilee 'Pilgrims of Hope' Resources

Every 25 years, we have a Jubilee Year, a moment of significance in the Church when we refocus and open ourselves to special graces. This Jubilee Year is entitled ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and starts on 24th December 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. The Jubilee Year will formally conclude in Rome on the Solemnity of Epiphany, 6 January 2026. The SVP wants to journey with you and your students throughout the Jubilee Year. Providing a Pilgrim Pack for all schools in the autumn, we hope that our resources will provide opportunities for your students to reflect on the needs of their community, consider a merciful Christ-like response and bring hope through the actions they can take. Click here to access the KS3 & KS4 Jubilee resources.

This is an image of a door.

A Time for Hope: An SVP Lent Campaign

Follow the link above to access our Reconciliation Service for Children, Prayer Stations and Call to Action resources.

This is an image of a door

Beginning of Academic Year Staff Prayer 

Leader's guide

PowerPoint Presentation slides (including a blank slide to add your own materials and school logo)


This is an image of a door

End of Autumn Term Assembly

Start your pilgrimage of hope with our SVP Year of Jubilee assembly, ideal for the Advent season as we get closer to this special holy year. 

Leader's guide

Year of Jubilee PowerPoint Presentation

Doors of Hope spoken word text (Appendix 1)

Doors of Hope poster for each classroom door (Print A3) (Appendix 2)

Wreath project (Appendix 3)

This is an image of a door

Year of Jubilee Leader's guide 

The Leader’s guide with action plan will help you navigate the year ahead, highlighting all the resources available for your Mini Vinnies and the things they can get involved in to turn concern into action. Don't forget to keep in touch with us throughout the year to let us know how your pilgrimage of Hope is going and how your children are opening doors of Hope to those most in need.

Year of Jubilee Leader's guide

This is an image of a door

Year of Jubilee Posters

Your printed Jubilee Pilgrim Pack (due in schools soon) includes two posters: one in colour to put up in the entrance of your school or parish,and one black and white poster which can be copied multiple times (A3 recommended) for children to decorate and put up on classroom doors, display boards or in the parish to share their message of Hope for the Year of Jubilee. 

Year of Jubilee poster for main entrance (colour)

Year of Jubilee poster for decorating (black and white)

This is an image of a door

SVP Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope PDF

A selection of stories from across the SVP, all of which are examples of doors of hope being opened. These are ideal resources to share across the Year of Jubilee with your children, whether as part of an assembly, classroom work or as part of a reflection. Their themes tie in with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and will help to bring alive the good works of the SVP. 

This is an image of a pink door

Mini Vinnies' Doorstops of Hope

Encourage your Mini Vinnies to reflect on the many ‘Holy Doors’ in their lives - the doors where they are welcomed and cared for, and where they encounter God’s love. Create and decorate a doorstop that can be used to symbolise hope in this Year of Jubilee.

Doorstops of Hope Activity

This is an image of a door.

Coming soon!

Pilgrim passport to support those taking part in the CYMfed Faith in Action Award.